Action Tracker

Records for Uganda


34 locations within Uganda

Direct Records for Uganda in addition to the locations above


44 events with a total of 626 recorded participants

Date Overview Location Map Participants Media Record Link Organization
Link Uganda, UG Link 50 Hope For Refugees Organization
Link Uganda, UG Link 30 Link FridaysforfutureEveryone
Link Uganda, UG Link ScientistRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link ScientistRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link ScientistRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link ScientistRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link 20 Link Extinction Rebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link 4 Hunger Strike Global Wave of Climate Action
Link Uganda, UG Link Hunger Strike Global Wave of Climate Action
Link Uganda, UG Link Hunger Strike Global Wave of Climate Action
Link Uganda, UG Link Hunger Strike Global Wave of Climate Action
Link Uganda, UG Link Hunger Strike Global Wave of Climate Action
Link Uganda, UG Link 25 Link MothersRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link MothersRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link Fridays For Future MAPA
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link Fridays For Future MAPA, Rise Up Movement, End Fos
Link Uganda, UG Link 16 Link Extinction Rebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link 11 Link Fridays for future
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link Fridays for future
Link Uganda, UG Link 11 Link Fridays for future
Link Uganda, UG Link 10 Link fridayforfuture
Link Uganda, UG Link 10 Link fridayforfuture
Link Uganda, UG Link 25 Link MothersRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link 25 Link MothersRebellion
Link Uganda, UG Link 7 Link FridaysForFuture
Link Uganda, UG Link 2 Link FridaysforfutureEveryone
Link Uganda, UG Link 2 Link FridaysForFuture
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link ClimateAction
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link FridaysForFuture
Link Uganda, UG Link 5 Link EarthDay
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link FridaysForFuture
Link Uganda, UG Link 1 Link FFFMapCount
Link Uganda, UG Link 12 Link WoGEM
Link Uganda, UG Link 50 Link WoGEM
Link Uganda, UG Link 30 Bubugo Conservation Trust
Link Uganda, UG Link Bubugo Conservation Trust
Link Uganda, UG Link 47 Bubugo Conservation Trust
Link Uganda, UG Link
Link Uganda, UG Link Bubugo Conservation Trust
Link Uganda, UG Link Climate Change Unfolding
Link Uganda, UG Link 150
Link Uganda, UG Link