Action Tracker

Records for Canada


19 locations within Canada

Direct Records for Canada in addition to the locations above


35 events with a total of 1141887 recorded participants

Date Overview Action Type Location Map Participants Media Record Link Organization
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 2 Link FFFMapRecord
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 2 MothersRebellion
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 1
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 1
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 2 MothersRebellion
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 1 Climate Action
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 1 Link Climate Action
Link Other Ottawa River, CA Link 1 Climate Action
Link Strike Quebec, CA Link CEVES
Link Other Quebec, CA Link 13 Link ExtinctionRebellion
Link Other Quebec, CA Link La CEVES
Link Other New Brunswick, CA Link Youth Environmental Network
Link Strike Canada, CA Link Online
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 4 Online
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 970000
Link Strike Newfoundland and Labrador, CA Link 30 Heritage Cares
Link Strike Newfoundland and Labrador, CA Link 30 Heritage Cares
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 10000
Link Other Quebec, CA Link 4000
Link Strike Canada, CA Link 157799