Action Tracker

Records for Zimbabwe


3 locations within Zimbabwe

Direct Records for Zimbabwe in addition to the locations above


9 events with a total of 20188 recorded participants

Date Overview Location Map Participants Media Record Link Organization
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link 2 Link ScientistRebellion
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link 120 Link Manica Youth Assembly (MAYA)
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link ScientistRebellion
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link ScientistRebellion
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link 30 ScientistRebellion
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link 25 Link MothersRebellion
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link 10 Link FridaysForFuture
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link 1 Link Rise up movement
Link Zimbabwe, ZW Link 20000 Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe, ARTU