Action Tracker

Records for Maldives


5 locations within Maldives

Direct Records for Maldives in addition to the locations above


15 events with a total of 200 recorded participants

Date Overview Action Type Location Map Participants Media Record Link Organization
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 40 Link Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Non-Violent Direct Action Malé, MV Link 50 Fridays for Future in Maldives
Link Other Malé, MV Link
Link Strike Kulhudhuffushi, MV Link 350
Link Other Baa Atoll, MV Link Maldivian Manta Ray Project (Manta Trust)
Link Other Hulhumale, MV Link Maldivian Red Crescent
Link Other Malé, MV Link 100 Child Abuse prevention Society
Link Meetup Addu City, MV Link 10