Records for Egypt
9 locations within Egypt
- Al-Qalyubia Governorate, EG
- Alexandria Governorate, EG
- Assiut Governorate, EG
- Cairo Governorate, EG
- El Beheira Governorate, EG
- Gharbia Governorate, EG
- Ismailia Governorate, EG
- Qena Governorate, EG
- Red Sea Governorate, EG
Direct Records for Egypt in addition to the locations above
7 events with a total of 313 recorded participants
Date | Overview | Location | Map | Participants | Media Record Link | Organization |
Egypt, EG | 20 | WCUD | ||||
Egypt, EG | Hunger Strike Global Wave of Climate Action | |||||
Egypt, EG | 100 | FridaysForFuture | ||||
Egypt, EG | 100 | FridaysForFuture | ||||
Egypt, EG | 50 | |||||
Egypt, EG | 43 | |||||
Egypt, EG |