Action Tracker

Records for Chile


22 locations within Chile

Direct Records for Chile in addition to the locations above


11 events with a total of 26535 recorded participants

Date Overview Action Type Location Map Participants Media Record Link Organization
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 10 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 10 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 10 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 10 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 10 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 10 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 5000 Link Fridays For Future Santiago
Link Strike Antofagasta, CL Link
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 15000
Link Strike Aysén Region, CL Link
Link Strike Chile, CL Link 6515