Action Tracker

Records for Iceland


8 locations within Iceland

Direct Records for Iceland in addition to the locations above


48 events with a total of 1885 recorded participants

Date Overview Action Type Location Map Participants Media Record Link Organization
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Other Reykjavík, IS Link 1 MothersRebellion
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link Ungir Umhverfissinnar
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 1 Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 1 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 100 Link Fridaysforfuture
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 150 Fridays for Future Iceland
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 30 Icelandic FFF (Loftslagsverkfallið)
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 35 LÍS - National Union for Icelandic Students
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 45
Link Strike Akureyri, IS Link
Link Strike Akureyri, IS Link
Link Strike Blönduós, IS Link Blonduskoli
Link Demonstration Selfoss, IS Link
Link Strike Akureyri, IS Link
Link Demonstration Egilsstaðir, IS Link 2
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link 1200 350
Link Strike Akureyri, IS Link
Link Strike Ölfus, IS Link Samband Íslenskra Framhaldsskólanema (The national
Link Strike Akranes, IS Link
Link Strike Akureyri, IS Link Student Union of University of Akureyri
Link Strike Iceland, IS Link 260
Link Strike Hvammstangi, IS Link 60 Húnaþing vestra
Link Strike Reykjavík, IS Link Friday's for Future Iceland - Loftslagsverkfall