Action Tracker

Records for Neuchâtel

  in Switzerland


15 events with a total of 1242 recorded participants

Date Overview Action Type Location Map Participants Media Record Link Organization
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 40 Link HumanRights
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 2 Link Strike for future
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link Grève pour le Climat - Canton de Neuchâtel
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link 1200 Climate Strike CH - Canton of Neuchâtel
Link Strike Neuchâtel, CH Link Not a representative, but "Grève pour le Climat -