Records for USA
71 locations within USA
- AK, US
- AL, US
- AR, US
- AZ, US
- Alabama, US
- Arizona
- Arkansas, US
- CA, US
- CO, US
- CT, US
- California, US
- Colorado, US
- Connecticut, US
- DC, US
- DE, US
- Delaware, US
- FL, US
- Florida, US
- GA, US
- Georgia, US
- HI, US
- Hawaii, US
- IA, US
- ID, US
- IL, US
- IN, US
- KS, US
- KY, US
- LA, US
- MA, US
- MD, US
- ME, US
- MI, US
- MN, US
- MO, US
- MS, US
- MT, US
- Maryland, US
- Michigan, US
- Minnesota, US
- N, US
- NC, US
- ND, US
- NE, US
- NH, US
- NJ, US
- NM, US
- NV, US
- NW, US
- NY, US
- New York, US
- OH, US
- OK, US
- OR, US
- PA, US
- RI, US
- SC, US
- SD, US
- TN, US
- TX, US
- U.S., US
- UT, US
- Utah, US
- VA, US
- VT, US
- Virginia, US
- WA, US
- WI, US
- WV, US
- WY, US
- Washington, US
Direct Records for USA in addition to the locations above
15 events with a total of 9658 recorded participants
Date | Overview | Location | Map | Participants | Event Link | Media Record Link | Organization | Steward |
USA, US | 1 | MothersRebellion | ||||||
USA, US | 1 | FridaysForFuture | ||||||
USA, US | 1 | FridaysForFuture | ||||||
USA, US | 50 | ClimateCrisis | ||||||
USA, US | 8500 | |||||||
USA, US | ||||||||
USA, US | 1100 | |||||||
USA, US | ||||||||
USA, US | U.S. Youth Climate Strike | |||||||
USA, US | ||||||||
USA, US | ||||||||
USA, US | 5 | |||||||
USA, US | ||||||||
USA, US | ||||||||