Action Tracker

Records for Göteborg

  in Sweden

2 locations within Göteborg

Direct Records for Göteborg in addition to the locations above


19 events with a total of 50333 recorded participants

Date Map Participants Link Host
5 ÅterställVåtmarker
10 ta tillbaka framtiden
10 ta tillbaka framtiden
10 ta tillbaka framtiden
50 Jordens Vänner, Greenpeac
130 MothersRebellion
7 Fridaysforfuture
7 Fridaysforfuture
20 MothersRebellion
15 Fridaysforfuture
30 FridaysForFuture
14 FridaysForFuture
8 FridaysForFuture
10 Fridaysforfuture
1 FridaysForFuture
50000 ClimateCrisis
? Fridays For Future Göteborg
1 Fridaysforfuture
5 Fridaysforfuture